
5 Tips to Attracting Orioles into your Yard - Wild Birds Unlimited
All About Birds - Bird Identification - The Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Bar-tailed Godwit - Jonathan Chadwick
Bird Guide - Audubon
Bird Website - BirdNote
BirdCast: Bird Migration Forecasts - The Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Birdchick - Sharon Stiteler
Birder Chicks - Nancy, Dixie, Jessie, Yvonne
Bostick Bruce - Big Bend TX - Bruce
BRDL (bird banding code version of Wordle) - Alex Tomlinson/Audubon
BRDL (bird code rules) - Wikipedia
DARE TO BIRD - Melissa Hafting
Flycatchers, Vireos, and Thrushes - D.J. McNeil, Jr.
Identify Raptors In Flight - Audubon
Reservations for Outdoor Experiences -
Seabirding Pelagic Trips for the East Coast -
Talkin Birds Radio Show - Ray Brown
The Really (Really!) Big Year - Texas Monthly, Will McCarthy


Birding by Ear, Tom & Patsy Inglet
Birds of Leopold's Preserve
Birds of Manassas National Battlefield
HMANA Hawks Guide
Raptors of Ohio, Ohio DNR
The Birds And The Bees, Paul Bedard
Virginia Peregrine Falcon Monitoring Program